It's not often that Outside the Line can claim prescience in any way, so we might as well bask in the rare glory. As predicted in this space less than four months ago, Geoff Lawson did not make it to the end of the year as coach of Pakistan.
Any odds on their next coach lasting longer than their next prime minister? Pakistan -- the gift that really just keeps on giving. Let the War Nerd tell you about it:
Pakistan is one of those places that won’t sit still long enough to write up. When that neocon professor said history was finished, they should have made him do a year as visiting professor at Karachi U. That would’ve sobered him up fast. History never gets done in Pakistan.
The whole country’s a disaster. One of those classic British-made disasters. One thing I’m learning in this business is the Brits messed up more places on this planet than anybody realizes, and somehow they got away with it. That’s what really amazes me about them, the way they got away with it. They realized after WW II that their power was terminally broke, and decided to quit India before Gandhi took it away from them—because if you’ve got any pride at all, losing to a little half-naked vegetarian who looks like the old “Keep on truckin’” cartoon is just not an acceptable outcome. But the Brits wanted to be sure they had two states to play with, not just a single united India. That was old colonial policy for them, and it worked time after time: set up two tribes that hate each other next to each other and let the games begin. (They almost managed to do that [to the US] in 1863—if Gettysburg had gone the other way, I hate to think where we’d be now.)
Now if only Greg Chappell can somehow get position, I would die a happy man.
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