How much of the appeal of Monty Panesar as an international cricket player is due simply and solely to the fact that his name is "Monty Panesar"? 12 percent? 15?
Put it this way -- if he went by another name (say, Mudhsuden Singh, the rest of his own name) and had been doing so throughout his entire career, would he be a) just as famous as he is now, b) less famous, or c) no longer in the team?
there was a sarandeep singh who briefly played for india. he's still only 29, but it seems like a hundred years since he went off the radar. had he been sandy singh, who knows.
Posted by: Naked Cricket | March 12, 2009 at 03:49 PM
Three percent. You've underestimated the appeal of the beard.
Posted by: King Cricket | May 01, 2009 at 05:23 PM