to see the MCC showing an open mind and allowing Kevin Pietersen to play his switch-hit lefty circus shots. It didn't require
much courage or foresight on their part to see all the possibilities inherent in
the new accelerated medium, ... but still, a tip o' the hat to them.
I'm just waiting to see if any critics of the decision come out and
publicly denounce Pietersen himself "for forcing the laws to be changed
just for him" or something of the sort. I doubt they will, but I remember
hearing those same charges often labeled against Muralitharan, back in his peak
controversy days.
I do wonder if there will be a double standard there, because their
cases are virtually identical -- both players caused officials to amend the laws of the
game, not because they were breaking them, but simply because they stood outside them.
They showed the law books to be insufficient, incomplete... and they showed us how far the chasm can stretch between what we think we know about the game, and what we actually do know.
I'm afraid, the entire exercise would make a genius out of a freak and KP would be remembered as the man who necessitated a change in the law, the ultimate hero. What a shame!
Posted by: Som | June 19, 2008 at 12:45 PM