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May 10, 2008


Pontings _Baldspot

nicely done Sir...



I have gone through your blog and have really liked the articles you have posted. I was wondering if you would like us to publish some of these articles on a timely basis, on our website www.iluvipl.com we have a blog section where some of the best cricket bloggers write their views about IPL.

Your articles are posted in your name and link to your original blog is provided at the bottom of your every article that we use, so that the readers can also visit your blog to know more about you.

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Many Thanks,


Great analysis. A query though, could you explain the effects that salary cap or its absence can have? as it seems that IPL would be scrapping the cap in the next edition.


What about my reason for not liking it, not enough Navjot Sidhu.

D.S. Henry

See, J Rod, that right there is a perfectly valid reason, no fallacies involved. (Same as saying, "too much Greg Chappell")

Abhi... the salary cap is essentially that: a maximum limit on the amount of money a team is allowed to spend on players' salaries. There are different types (soft/hard caps), plus they're usually packed with exceptions, but they're normally put in there to enhance parity within a league and prevent great concentrations of power and money (a la Man Utd, NY Yankees, Real Madrid, etc.)

I'd usually think it'd be a disaster for the IPL to get rid of it, but I guess its effect could be offset by the small number of teams, and the 4-foreigner rule. So even if you have a big industrialist moneybags buying the entire Australian team, you could still only play 4 of them at a time, so it wouldn't be that great an advantage. I still hope they don't scrap it, though.

(FYI: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Salary_cap)

straight point

another fallacy or better we term as fad is OH i love test cricket...

this has become the shortcut to give impression that how much you love or care for cricket...

its like going to ford coppola movie and say i don't like underworld movies...

you need different sensibilities to watch different things...

Samir Chopra

One fallacy generated by IPL fans is that dislike of the IPL amounts to: dislike of exciting cricket, results, exciting batting, good bowling; and to a love for draws, boring cricket and tedious batting. This (roughly) is known as the fallacy of the False or Impoverished Dichotomy. When it comes to generating fallacies, I'm afraid the pro and con camps of the Great IPL Debate[tm] are Equal Offenders[tm].

D.S. Henry

Good point, Samir. And it's true, bad arguments come from every direction.

At the same time, though, it's not really fair to compare the disingenuous arguments of "IPL fans" with those of expert writers. I wasn't just scouring obscure forum threads and comment sections looking for broken logical links... this is the work of Haigh, Kesavan, I. Chappell -- some of the most respected cricket writers in the business.

I'm all for having an honest discussion and appraisal of the first season of the IPL. (And we will have one at Outside the Line as the tournament winds down, including both pros/cons.) But in order to so, we must brush the landscape of debris before anything, don't you think?

Samir Chopra

DSH: Looking forward to it. What the world of cricket really needs is more philosophers :) Perhaps I'll try and respond to your post on my blog as I'm not sure all these folks are as guilty as charged.

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