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April 17, 2007


George Hayward

couldn't agree more. Just wish the yiunt would make me some runs and stop turning to himself for spin bowling in times of trouble.
only issue is, if england win, they will more than likely go through on net run rate... and the last thing we need is a bunch of english bragging about how they made the semis.

just off the topic, how many school shootings does it take before a country tightens the gun laws??


dude, can you believe the guy was korean!! Huge story. I'll bet the excuses are being formed as we speak...

George Hayward

dude, now is the perfect time to do something about it. a foreigner who'd only been in the country a year bought guns! so he wasnt even a derranged american kid who hated jocks! but you know they wont do anything about it. Bush said "we lift you with out prayers and god is with you"..... dude! you have the power to change something, stop thinking god will do it for you!
man, the dude looks like such a korean. the steroetype moonface.

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